The Hiawatha Allied Community Enrichment Society “A.C.E.S.” would like to announce the Summer Food Service Program. This will be held at the Brown County Sheriff’s Office basement beginning June 5th. (Closed July 4th) Open 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM each day. (Entrance on west side)
What is the SFSP?
Just as learning does not end when school lets out, neither does the need for good nutrition. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ) provides free, nutritious meals and snacks to help children in low-income areas get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow, throughout the summer months when they are out of school.
How does the SFSP operate?
The Food and Nutrition Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, administers SFSP at the Federal level. State education agencies administer the program in most States. In some areas, the State health or social service department or an FNS regional office may be designated.
Locally, SFSP is run by approved sponsors, including school districts, local government agencies, camps, or private nonprofit organizations. Sponsors provide free meals to a group of children at a central site, such as a school or a community center. They receive payments from USDA, through their State agencies, for the meals they serve to children at eligible sites.
Who is eligible to get meals?
Children 18 and younger may receive free meals and snacks through SFSP. Meals and snacks are also available to persons with disabilities, over age 18, who participate in school programs for people who are mentally or physically disabled.
Click on the Facebook link below for more info: