There are 14 inmates in the Brown County jail, 9 males and 5 females
On 10-25-2016 Beth Mikita 43 Hiawatha was arrested on a Brown County Probation Violation Warrant.
I am very pleased to announce that the “Brown County Sheriff’s Office Memorial Scholarship” application has been finalized and the application forms have been delivered to the Hiawatha and Horton high school counselors. We are providing 2, $1,000 scholarships to Brown County seniors. One from Horton and one from Hiawatha. We will also have applications available in the Brown County Sheriffs office lobby. Applications are to be completely filled out and returned to their respective school counselors no later than April 18th, 2017. Please contact me with any questions.
The Brown County Sheriffs Office also had a wonderful turnout of trick-or-treaters Saturday evening. Many children from around the area visited us at the Sheriffs Office. This has been a popular event for the last 9 years and is a way for the kids to get to know their law enforcement officers and staff on a personal level.