The Brown County Sheriff Department has recently been receiving complaints regarding aerial applicators operating in the county. The Sheriffs Office receives these around this time of year and has pertinent information that needs to be shared with the public in the event of future issues concerning aerial application.
Applicators who apply pesticides including Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides are responsible for applying in a manner that ensures the pesticide product stays on the intended target. State and federal laws regulate the application of pesticides. The label of the pesticide to be applied includes precautionary statements including Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Environmental Hazards, and First Aid. The labeled Directions for Use includes the rate of application, site of application, mixing and loading directions, and storage and disposal directions.
The applicator is responsible to follow these label directions and apply in a manner to keep the pesticides on the intended target.
In the event a person has had contact with spray or drift from a pesticide application the following steps are recommended:
1. Take a shower immediately and change into clean clothes.
2. Place all contaminated clothing in a paper bag. If you file a complaint with the Kansas Department of Agriculture the clothing may be collected for sampling.
3. Seek medical attention if you experience any signs of illness or discomfort.
Remember to document:
1. The date, time, and weather conditions including the estimated wind speed and direction.
2. Any descriptors including the vehicle or airplane color, license plate, “N” numbers, etc.
3. The exact location of the incident.
To file a pesticide drift or incident complaint, contact the Kansas Department of Agriculture at 785-296-4179.
To file a complaint concerning aerial pilots, reckless flying, etc. contact the FAA at 316-941-1200.
Complaints can also be made to:
Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins 785-234-5966 or 202-225-6601
State Senator Dennis Pyle 785-296-7379
State Representative Randy Garber 785-296-7665