I would like to inform residents of an AMAZON scam that is circulating our area very heavily lately. Residents are being called repeatedly by an automated message stating someone had illegally charged an expensive item to their AMAZON account and to press #1 for more information. Many residents have stated they are receiving more than 20 calls per day.
When #1 is pressed, it sends the resident to a live person who is attempting to get personal information about your amazon account and financial information. This person has a very heavy foreign accent.
Once again we are reminding county residents to never give out personal information over the phone or internet. This is a relatively new scam that is using frequent calls to prompt residents to answer their phones. It is annoying, but hanging up or letting the call go to voicemail is the best way to handle these types of calls. NEVER CALL THEM BACK
If you feel you have been a victim of this or other scams, notify your local law enforcement
Sheriff Merchant