The Brown County Sheriff’s Office recognized project SAFE participants Friday afternoon at the Hiawatha High School and gave 3-$200 WalMart gift cards to 3 lucky students.
SAFE stands for Seat belts Are For Everyone and is recognized throughout the state as a lifesaving initiative for teenage drivers. Since teen drivers have the highest rate of traffic fatalities, Sheriff Sandy Horton came up with the idea to bring about awareness to high school students on how important seat belt usage was.
Through his diligence, many teenagers have survived potential fatal accidents due to his seat belt awareness campaign. This initiative is funded through the State of Kansas and the Brown County Sheriffs Office.
As always we appreciate the cooperation we receive from our local schools and a big thank you to the students!
Seth Bauerle, Cariann Kunkel, Brown County Public Safety Resource Deputy J.D. Clary, Josie Pierce, August Koerperich, Bethany Meyers, Trevor Pederson, Sheriff John Merchant,—not pictured: Joseph Kunkel and Aubrey Wright
Public Safety Resource Deputy J. D. Clary, Sydney Lowe, Lucas Salcedo and Matthew Shafer