Bob Hamilton, Kansas Department of Transportation Law Enforcement liaison is presenting the Platinum AAA Community Traffic Safety Award to Brown County Undersheriff Brian Guilliams. This is the fifth consecutive year the Brown County has received the highest award for their efforts in public and traffic safety through KDOT and AAA insurance. In order to obtain the platinum status , which is the highest award given, agencies must meet many requirements all geared towards educating and working with the public on traffic safety. Brown County Sheriff’s office has implemented the Seatbelts Are For Everyone (SAFE) program as well as one of the few agencies to teach First Aid, CPR and AED training to high school students. Many other programs and initiatives have been provided to help inform and educate county residents which enabled the Sheriff’s office to earn this most prestigious award. According to Hamilton, “The people of Brown County are very fortunate to have such dedicated officers at their Sheriff’s office”
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