Emergency response units cannot find you if your house number is not clearly displayed. Believe it or not, a majority are not visible from the street. Inclement weather, obstructions and night hours will also hinder visibility. A badly displayed number can cost you precious time in an emergency!

    The best location

House – the number should be posted so that it is visible from both directions of travel and free from obstruction. Numbers should be placed near the front door at eye level in proximity to the porch light.

Mailbox – Mark your mailbox on both sides. Numbers on the mailbox door are great for the mail carrier, but are extremely difficult to see by drivers. Do not use your mailbox as the only means of identification. If your mailbox is not in front of your house or near your driveway emergency responders cannot locate you.

Address Signs – Should be placed about two feet from the driveway in the direction of the house.

    The Best Color

House – Pick a color that has a light and dark contrast with the background. Use caution with brass or bronze numbers they are difficult to see on any backgrounds. Reflective numbers are best.

Mailbox – The number needs a light and dark contrast with the mailbox color. If you go with stickers, the ones with black numbers on a white background are excellent, however reflective numbers are best. Another option is to mount a sign above or below the mailbox.

    The best size

Bigger is better! The number should be at least four inches tall if displayed on a house or sign. Get boldface type. Thick and wide is better.


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Phone: 785-742-7125