March 8th, 2014 was the day of the Cub Scout Pack 117 pinewood derby, and speeds were high!

I had the pleasure of attending the event at the Hiawatha Middle School and was amazed at all the very unique cars. Each Pinewood Derby car is carved and designed by Cub Scouts and their parent or guardian. After all the pizazz and decor, the cars are then raced in heats to find the first, second and third place winners in the end.

Cub Scout leaders showed me their state of the art track system and how it is able to calculate the “scale” MPH of each of the cars. Calculated velocity (speed) by dividing the distance of the track by the time it took to finish.

When figured and put into the small scale of the cars, as you can see from the photo, 200 “scale” MPH is not at all out of the question with these.

To add a little humor… and memories for the kids, warning tickets were issued to the winners of the race heats. All for speeding of course. And for good measure, mirrors, exhaust and brakes were also marked as equipment violations to each.

A very special thank you from the Brown County Sheriffs Office and me (Deputy Guilliams) to the Scouts 117 for allowing me to attend.


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Phone: 785-742-7125